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Virginia State Issue

Is VA liable to pay #penalties to residents that live near coal powered plants for related medical conditions?

Soot, coal, dust, ash, and smog are by-products of coal powered plant facilities. Air pollutants and the toxic environment of areas that operate in coal-based energy generation in Virginia is the cause of many deteriorating diseases for its residents. The commonly associated diseases with living in areas surrounded by coal power plants are breathing issues, such as asthma and lung cancer, as well as ulcers, neuro damage, skin cancer, allergies, and developmental defects. Among the host of harmful toxic elements, coal dust and waste includes lead, silica, arsenic, and chromium as common pollutants.

Despite federal laws, as well as state and EPA regulations, there are environmental and health safety violations from energy enterprises. Under the guise of a beneficial use of coal ash, the Battlefield Golf Club built by Dominion Power in Virginia was just a coal dump. Stakeholders filed lawsuits against the golf course claiming damages for kidney and lung cancer due to air and water contamination. While the health implications among the residents and worker settlements near the plant are clear, the question remains: what role is the state of Virginia playing here?

The former #Trump administration largely deregulated various environmental controls for the coal-based energy industry during his term, which strengthened the industry. However, the energy companies are considered liable to compensate the affected individuals for their health grievances, if they can be proven.

Many folks believe that Virginia government has taken action to regulate coal companies, including recent state laws passed to phase out coal generation. Also, many believe that the coal companies should pay any compensation penalties, not the state of Virginia.

So the question for debate, should the state of Virginia be held liable for penalties that compensate residents that live near coal powered plants and experience related medical problems?

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