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Virginia State Issue

Should conversion therapy for #homosexual minors have been banned in the state of Virginia?

In 2020, Virginia was the first Southern state to prohibit the conversion therapy, a controversial and old practice which tries to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.

    For background, some people in this country see same-sex relationships as wrong and believe these “tendencies” are not how nature intended them to be. To them, these relationships can not be normal, as it throws the concept of procreation into question. They see these “tendencies” as unnatural or something that needs to be cured.

    This has led to many questionable practices, including forceful conversion therapy for young LGBTQ children. People felt that young minds were more malleable, and it was easier to change them by converting them early.

    Polls show that most feel this is an outdated practice. Studies have shown that forceful conversion led to major disruption amongst youth, being more prone to depression and suicidal thoughts. Many think that gender identity is a feeling that comes from within, and being made to feel wrong and guilty about it can be demoralizing for a young person.

    Though different states in the country have different laws regarding LGBTQ issues, there is a growing acceptance and conscious integration of gender equality into legislation.

    The question for debate is, should conversion therapy for homosexual minors have been banned in the state of Virginia?

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