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Followers List

Oprah Follower(queenoprah)
Seattle, WA
Female – 36 Years Old

"You become what you believe - Oprah"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Rhoda Garza(rhodagrazia)
Park City, UT
Female – 35 Years Old

"Si se puede!"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Diamond Webster(imadiamond)
Minneapolis, MN
Female – 29 Years Old

"Don't vote Blue, Back the Blue!"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Mason Baker(masonbaker)
Landsdale, PA
Male – 50 Years Old

"Doesn't being in the middle make the most sense??"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Robert Mobley(robmob86)
Charleston, WV
Male – 38 Years Old

"Opinions are my with it"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Not A Karen(not_a_karen)
Charleston, WV
She/Her – 44 Years Old

"The good kind of Karen"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Charleston, SC
She/Her – 28 Years Old

"I want to live somewhere accepting of all people!"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Sarah Bailey(sarahb)
Myrtle Beach, SC
She/Her – 34 Years Old

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Pamela Schultz(pamschultz)
Myrtle Beach, SC
Female – 45 Years Old

"Whatever floats your boat or whatever the kids say"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
My Bro Travis(travisgraves)
Dallas, TX
Male – 40 Years Old

"Jeremiah 29:11"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
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